1. The given hexadecimal number (1E.53)16 is equivalent to ____________

a) (35.684)8
b) (36.246)8
c) (34.340)8
d) (35.599)8
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Answer: b

2. The octal number (651.124)8 is equivalent to ______
a) (1A9.2A)16
b) (1B0.10)16
c) (1A8.A3)16
d) (1B0.B0)16
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Answer: a

3. The octal equivalent of the decimal number (417)10 is _____
a) (641)8
b) (619)8
c) (640)8
d) (598)8
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Answer: a

1. What is the addition of the binary numbers 11011011010 and 010100101?
a) 0111001000
b) 1100110110
c) 11101111111
d) 10011010011
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Answer: c

2. Perform binary addition: 101101 + 011011 = ?
a) 011010
b) 1010100
c) 101110
d) 1001000
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Answer: d

3. Perform binary subtraction: 101111 – 010101 = ?
a) 100100
b) 010101
c) 011010
d) 011001
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Answer: c

4. Binary subtraction of 100101 – 011110 is?
a) 000111
b) 111000
c) 010101
d) 101010
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Answer: a

5. Perform multiplication of the binary numbers: 01001 × 01011 = ?
a) 001100011
b) 110011100
c) 010100110
d) 101010111
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Answer: a

6. 100101 × 0110 = ?
a) 1011001111
b) 0100110011
c) 101111110
d) 0110100101
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Answer: c

7. On multiplication of (10.10) and (01.01), we get ____________
a) 101.0010
b) 0010.101
c) 011.0010
d) 110.0011
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Answer: c

8. Divide the binary numbers: 111101 ÷ 1001 and find the remainder.
a) 0010
b) 1010
c) 1100
d) 0111
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Answer: d

9. Divide the binary number (011010000) by (0101) and find the quotient.
a) 100011
b) 101001
c) 110010
d) 010001
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Answer: b

10. Binary subtraction of 101101 – 001011 = ?
a) 100010
b) 010110
c) 110101
d) 101100
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Answer: a

1) Which number system has a base 16Hexadecimal

3) The following hexadecimal number (1E.43)16 is equivalent to(36.506)8
(35.206)8Hide Answer Workspace

Answer: b

9) Which of these sets of logic gates are known as universal gates?XOR, NAND, OR
NOR, NANDHide Answer Workspace

Answer: d

35) The AND operation is equivalent toUnion
Both option a and b

Hide Answer Workspace

Answer: b

41) Which insulating layer is used in the fabrication of MOSFET?Silicon Nitride
Aluminum sulphate
Copper sulphate
Silicon dioxideHide Answer Workspace

Answer: d

This set of Digital Electronics/Circuits Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Karnaugh Map”.

1. A Karnaugh map (K-map) is an abstract form of ____________ diagram organized as a matrix of squares.
a) Venn Diagram
b) Cycle Diagram
c) Block diagram
d) Triangular Diagram
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Answer: a

2. There are ______ cells in a 4-variable K-map.
a) 12
b) 16
c) 18
d) 8
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3. The K-map based Boolean reduction is based on the following Unifying Theorem: A + A’ = 1.
a) Impact
b) Non Impact
c) Force
d) Complementarity
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Answer: b

4. Each product term of a group, w’.x.y’ and w.y, represents the ____________ in that group.
a) Input
b) POS
c) Sum-of-Minterms
d) Sum of Maxterms
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Answer: c

9. It should be kept in mind that don’t care terms should be used along with the terms that are present in ___________
a) Minterms
b) Expressions
c) K-Map
d) Latches
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Answer: a

10. Using the transformation method you can realize any POS realization of OR-AND with only.
a) XOR
c) AND
d) NOR
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Answer: d

11. There are many situations in logic design in which simplification of logic expression is possible in terms of XOR and _________________ operations.
a) X-NOR
b) XOR
c) NOR
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Answer: a

12. These logic gates are widely used in _______________ design and therefore are available in IC form.
a) Sampling
b) Digital
c) Analog
d) Systems
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Answer: b

1. The output of an EX-NOR gate is 1. Which input combination is correct?
a) A = 1, B = 0
b) A = 0, B = 1
c) A = 0, B = 0
d) A = 0, B’ = 1
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Answer: c

2. In which of the following gates the output is 1 if and only if at least one input is 1?
a) AND
b) NOR
d) OR
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Answer: d

1. A term in computer terminology is a change in technology a computer is/was being used.
a) development
b) generation
c) advancement
d) growth
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Answer: b

2. The fourth generation was based on integrated circuits.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b

3. The generation based on VLSI microprocessor.
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
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Answer: d

4. ______ generation of computer started with using vacuum tubes as the basic components.
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
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Answer: a

5. Batch processing was mainly used in this generation.
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
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Answer: a

6. ___________ is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets means and method of making computers think like human beings.
a) Block chain
b) VR
c) AI
d) Cloud computing
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Answer: c

7. ULSI stands for?
a) Ultra Large Scale Integration
b) Under Lower Scale Integration
c) Ultra Lower Scale Integration
d) Under Large Scale Integration
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Answer: a

9. HLL stands for?
a) High Level Language
b) High Layman’s Language
c) High Level Lesson
d) High Layman’s Lesson
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Answer: a

10. The period of ________ generation was 1952-1964.
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 5th
d) 4th
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Answer: b

1. A device that allows users to feed data into a computer for analysis and storage and to give commands to the computer is called

a) Output device
b) Input device
c) Memory
d) Both a and b

Answer: (b)

2. User communicates with a computer with the help of which devices?

a) Input device
b) Output device
c) Software device
d) Both a and b

Answer: (d), Input-output device feeds data into and accepts data from a computer.

3. Which device allows you to enter data and instructions into a computer?

a) Input device
b) Output device
c) ALU
d) CPU

Answer: (a)

4. Which device converts human-understandable data and programs into a form that computers can understand and process?

a) Output
b) Monitor
c) Input
d) All of the above

Answer: (c)

5. A device that communicates the results of data processed by the computer and converts the digital information into a form that humans can easily read and understood is called

a) Input
b) Monitor
c) Output
d) Keyboard

Answer: (c)

6. Which of the following groups are only input devices?

a) Mouse, keyboard, monitor, Joystick
b) Mouse, keyboard, printer, Light pen
c) Mouse, keyboard, Scanner, Joystick, Light pen
d) Mouse, keyboard, Trackball, Touch Screen, Microphone
e) Both c and d

Answer: (e)

7. Which of the following is not a pointing device?

a) Mouse
b) Joystick
c) Light pen
d) Digitizer

Answer: (d), Digitizer is an input device that converts analog information into a digital form.

8. Which input device is used for input text, numbers, and commands to the computer?

a) Mouse
b) Keyboard
c) Scanner
d) All of the above

Answer: (b)

9. Which input device is/are used to move the cursor position on a monitor screen?

a) Mouse
b) Joystick
c) Light pen
d) Both a and b

Answer: (d)

10. The number of function keys in a keyboard is

(a) 14
(b) 12
(c) 13
(d) 15

Answer: (c)

11. Ctrl, Shift, and Alt are known as _ _ _ _ _ _ _keys.

(a) function
(b) modifier
(c) alphanumeric
(d) adjustment

Answer: (b)

12. Which key of keyboard is used to make characters either upper or lower case?

(a) ESC
(b) Return
(c) Shift
(d) Both a and c

Answer: (c)

13. The use of tab key in the keyboard is

(a) to move a cursor across the screen
(b) to indent a paragraph
(c) to move the cursor down the screen
(d) Both a and c

Answer: (d)

14. Mouse is

(a) pointing and drop device
(b) cursor-control device
(c) monitoring device
(d) Both a and b

Answer: (d)

15. The first computer mouse was developed by

(a) Douglas Engelbart
(b) William English
(c) Daniel Cougher
(d) Robert Zawaski

Answer: (a)

16. Optical mouse was built by

(a) IBM, 1920
(b) Intel, 1930
(c) Microsoft, 1999
(d) Dell, 2000

Answer: (c)

17. Which of the following is used in an optical mouse?

(a) Infrared light
(b) Light Emitting Diode (LED)
(c) Sensor
(d) Microwave

Answer: (b)

18. Wireless mouse communicates through

(a) radiowaves
(b) infrared wave
(c) microwaves
(d) Electromagnetic signal

Answer: (a)

19. Which of the following are not input devices?

(a) Webcam and Microphone
(b) Bar Code Reader and Smart Card Reader
(c) Optical Character Reader and Optical Mark Recognition
(d) Monitor and Printer

Answer: (d)

20. Which of the following is/are input devices?

(a) Track ball
(b) Scanner
(c) Touch screen
(d) Magnetic Ink Card Reader (MICR)
(e) All of the above

Answer: (e)

21. Which of the following is not an output device?

(a) Monitor
(b) Printer
(c) Headphone
(d) Speaker
(e) Scanner

Answer: (e)

22. A projector is an _ _ _ _ _ _ device that can take images generated by a computer and reproduce
them on a large, flat surface.

(a) input
(b) output
(c) input and output
(d) monitor input

Answer: (b)

23. The OCR stands for

(a) Outsized Character Reader
(b) Optical Character Reader
(c) Operational Character Reader
(d) Only Character Reader

Answer: (b)

24. The OMR stands for

(a) Optical Mark Recognition
(b) Optical Magnetic Reader
(c) Only Mark Recognition
(d) Optical Markup Recognition

Answer: (a)

25. The MICR stands for

(a) Magnetic Ink Card Reader
(b) Magnetic Ink Code Recognition
(c) Meta Ink Character Recognition
(d) None of these

Answer: (a)

26. Which kind of device is a digital camera?

(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) Input and Output
(d) Software

Answer: (b)

27. Which of the following groups consists of only output devices?

(a) Scanner, monitor, printer
(b) Mouse, monitor, printer
(c) Keyboard, monitor, printer
(d) Monitor, printer, plotter

Answer: (d)

28. Which of the following is not an output device?

(a) LCD
(b) Printer
(c) CRT
(d) Touch screen

Answer: (d)

29. The computer monitor is connected to CPU through

(a) Bus
(b) Cable
(c) Wire
(d) Line driver

Answer: (b)

30. The number of pixels displayed on the computer screen is called

(a) color depth
(b) resolution
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size

Answer: (b)

31. Which of the following is a combination of input-output devices?

(a) VDT
(b) Keyboard
(c) Printer
(d) Laser

Answer: (a)

32. Which of the following units are used to count the speed of the printer?

(a) CPM
(b) PPM
(c) LPM
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

33. The output quality of a printer is measured in

(a) dots per sq
(b) dots per inch
(c) dots printer per inch
(d) All of these

Answer: (a)

34. Which of the following is a kind of port?

(a) Serial
(b) Parallel
(c) AGP
(d) All of these

Answer: (d)

35. How many bits of data can be transferred by parallel port?

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16

Answer: (c)

36. The full form of USB port is

(a) United Serial Bus
(b) Universal Serial By-pass
(c) Universal System Bus
(d) Universal Serial Bus

Answer: (d)

37. Which of the following is the fastest port data transfer?

(a) USB
(b) Serial
(c) Parallel
(d) Firewire

Answer: (d)

38. USB port is a

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (a)

39. Which post is widely used on wireless devices to connect with network devices for easy communication?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (c)

40. Which port can be used for transferring files between two computers?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Firewire port
(d) Infrared port

Answer: (c)

26. Which kind of device is a digital camera?

(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) Input and Output
(d) Software

Answer: (b)

27. Which of the following groups consists of only output devices?

(a) Scanner, monitor, printer
(b) Mouse, monitor, printer
(c) Keyboard, monitor, printer
(d) Monitor, printer, plotter

Answer: (d)

28. Which of the following is not an output device?

(a) LCD
(b) Printer
(c) CRT
(d) Touch screen

Answer: (d)

29. The computer monitor is connected to CPU through

(a) Bus
(b) Cable
(c) Wire
(d) Line driver

Answer: (b)

30. The number of pixels displayed on the computer screen is called

(a) color depth
(b) resolution
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size

Answer: (b)

31. Which of the following is a combination of input-output devices?

(a) VDT
(b) Keyboard
(c) Printer
(d) Laser

Answer: (a)

32. Which of the following units are used to count the speed of the printer?

(a) CPM
(b) PPM
(c) LPM
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

33. The output quality of a printer is measured in

(a) dots per sq
(b) dots per inch
(c) dots printer per inch
(d) All of these

Answer: (a)

34. Which of the following is a kind of port?

(a) Serial
(b) Parallel
(c) AGP
(d) All of these

Answer: (d)

35. How many bits of data can be transferred by parallel port?

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16

Answer: (c)

36. The full form of USB port is

(a) United Serial Bus
(b) Universal Serial By-pass
(c) Universal System Bus
(d) Universal Serial Bus

Answer: (d)

37. Which of the following is the fastest port data transfer?

(a) USB
(b) Serial
(c) Parallel
(d) Firewire

Answer: (d)

38. USB port is a

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (a)

39. Which post is widely used on wireless devices to connect with network devices for easy communication?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (c)

40. Which port can be used for transferring files between two computers?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Firewire port
(d) Infrared port

Answer: (c)

26. Which kind of device is a digital camera?

(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) Input and Output
(d) Software

Answer: (b)

27. Which of the following groups consists of only output devices?

(a) Scanner, monitor, printer
(b) Mouse, monitor, printer
(c) Keyboard, monitor, printer
(d) Monitor, printer, plotter

Answer: (d)

28. Which of the following is not an output device?

(a) LCD
(b) Printer
(c) CRT
(d) Touch screen

Answer: (d)

29. The computer monitor is connected to CPU through

(a) Bus
(b) Cable
(c) Wire
(d) Line driver

Answer: (b)

30. The number of pixels displayed on the computer screen is called

(a) color depth
(b) resolution
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size

Answer: (b)

31. Which of the following is a combination of input-output devices?

(a) VDT
(b) Keyboard
(c) Printer
(d) Laser

Answer: (a)

32. Which of the following units are used to count the speed of the printer?

(a) CPM
(b) PPM
(c) LPM
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

33. The output quality of a printer is measured in

(a) dots per sq
(b) dots per inch
(c) dots printer per inch
(d) All of these

Answer: (a)

34. Which of the following is a kind of port?

(a) Serial
(b) Parallel
(c) AGP
(d) All of these

Answer: (d)

35. How many bits of data can be transferred by parallel port?

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16

Answer: (c)

36. The full form of USB port is

(a) United Serial Bus
(b) Universal Serial By-pass
(c) Universal System Bus
(d) Universal Serial Bus

Answer: (d)

37. Which of the following is the fastest port data transfer?

(a) USB
(b) Serial
(c) Parallel
(d) Firewire

Answer: (d)

38. USB port is a

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (a)

39. Which post is widely used on wireless devices to connect with network devices for easy communication?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (c)

40. Which port can be used for transferring files between two computers?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Firewire port
(d) Infrared port

Answer: (c)

26. Which kind of device is a digital camera?

(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) Input and Output
(d) Software

Answer: (b)

27. Which of the following groups consists of only output devices?

(a) Scanner, monitor, printer
(b) Mouse, monitor, printer
(c) Keyboard, monitor, printer
(d) Monitor, printer, plotter

Answer: (d)

28. Which of the following is not an output device?

(a) LCD
(b) Printer
(c) CRT
(d) Touch screen

Answer: (d)

29. The computer monitor is connected to CPU through

(a) Bus
(b) Cable
(c) Wire
(d) Line driver

Answer: (b)

30. The number of pixels displayed on the computer screen is called

(a) color depth
(b) resolution
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size

Answer: (b)

31. Which of the following is a combination of input-output devices?

(a) VDT
(b) Keyboard
(c) Printer
(d) Laser

Answer: (a)

32. Which of the following units are used to count the speed of the printer?

(a) CPM
(b) PPM
(c) LPM
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

33. The output quality of a printer is measured in

(a) dots per sq
(b) dots per inch
(c) dots printer per inch
(d) All of these

Answer: (a)

34. Which of the following is a kind of port?

(a) Serial
(b) Parallel
(c) AGP
(d) All of these

Answer: (d)

35. How many bits of data can be transferred by parallel port?

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16

Answer: (c)

36. The full form of USB port is

(a) United Serial Bus
(b) Universal Serial By-pass
(c) Universal System Bus
(d) Universal Serial Bus

Answer: (d)

37. Which of the following is the fastest port data transfer?

(a) USB
(b) Serial
(c) Parallel
(d) Firewire

Answer: (d)

38. USB port is a

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (a)

39. Which post is widely used on wireless devices to connect with network devices for easy communication?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (c)

40. Which port can be used for transferring files between two computers?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Firewire port
(d) Infrared port

Answer: (c)

26. Which kind of device is a digital camera?

(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) Input and Output
(d) Software

Answer: (b)

27. Which of the following groups consists of only output devices?

(a) Scanner, monitor, printer
(b) Mouse, monitor, printer
(c) Keyboard, monitor, printer
(d) Monitor, printer, plotter

Answer: (d)

28. Which of the following is not an output device?

(a) LCD
(b) Printer
(c) CRT
(d) Touch screen

Answer: (d)

29. The computer monitor is connected to CPU through

(a) Bus
(b) Cable
(c) Wire
(d) Line driver

Answer: (b)

30. The number of pixels displayed on the computer screen is called

(a) color depth
(b) resolution
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size

Answer: (b)

31. Which of the following is a combination of input-output devices?

(a) VDT
(b) Keyboard
(c) Printer
(d) Laser

Answer: (a)

32. Which of the following units are used to count the speed of the printer?

(a) CPM
(b) PPM
(c) LPM
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

33. The output quality of a printer is measured in

(a) dots per sq
(b) dots per inch
(c) dots printer per inch
(d) All of these

Answer: (a)

34. Which of the following is a kind of port?

(a) Serial
(b) Parallel
(c) AGP
(d) All of these

Answer: (d)

35. How many bits of data can be transferred by parallel port?

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16

Answer: (c)

36. The full form of USB port is

(a) United Serial Bus
(b) Universal Serial By-pass
(c) Universal System Bus
(d) Universal Serial Bus

Answer: (d)

37. Which of the following is the fastest port data transfer?

(a) USB
(b) Serial
(c) Parallel
(d) Firewire

Answer: (d)

38. USB port is a

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (a)

39. Which post is widely used on wireless devices to connect with network devices for easy communication?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (c)

40. Which port can be used for transferring files between two computers?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Firewire port
(d) Infrared port

Answer: (c)

26. Which kind of device is a digital camera?

(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) Input and Output
(d) Software

Answer: (b)

27. Which of the following groups consists of only output devices?

(a) Scanner, monitor, printer
(b) Mouse, monitor, printer
(c) Keyboard, monitor, printer
(d) Monitor, printer, plotter

Answer: (d)

28. Which of the following is not an output device?

(a) LCD
(b) Printer
(c) CRT
(d) Touch screen

Answer: (d)

29. The computer monitor is connected to CPU through

(a) Bus
(b) Cable
(c) Wire
(d) Line driver

Answer: (b)

30. The number of pixels displayed on the computer screen is called

(a) color depth
(b) resolution
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size

Answer: (b)

31. Which of the following is a combination of input-output devices?

(a) VDT
(b) Keyboard
(c) Printer
(d) Laser

Answer: (a)

32. Which of the following units are used to count the speed of the printer?

(a) CPM
(b) PPM
(c) LPM
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

33. The output quality of a printer is measured in

(a) dots per sq
(b) dots per inch
(c) dots printer per inch
(d) All of these

Answer: (a)

34. Which of the following is a kind of port?

(a) Serial
(b) Parallel
(c) AGP
(d) All of these

Answer: (d)

35. How many bits of data can be transferred by parallel port?

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16

Answer: (c)

36. The full form of USB port is

(a) United Serial Bus
(b) Universal Serial By-pass
(c) Universal System Bus
(d) Universal Serial Bus

Answer: (d)

37. Which of the following is the fastest port data transfer?

(a) USB
(b) Serial
(c) Parallel
(d) Firewire

Answer: (d)

38. USB port is a

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (a)

39. Which post is widely used on wireless devices to connect with network devices for easy communication?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (c)

40. Which port can be used for transferring files between two computers?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Firewire port
(d) Infrared port

Answer: (c)

26. Which kind of device is a digital camera?

(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) Input and Output
(d) Software

Answer: (b)

27. Which of the following groups consists of only output devices?

(a) Scanner, monitor, printer
(b) Mouse, monitor, printer
(c) Keyboard, monitor, printer
(d) Monitor, printer, plotter

Answer: (d)

28. Which of the following is not an output device?

(a) LCD
(b) Printer
(c) CRT
(d) Touch screen

Answer: (d)

29. The computer monitor is connected to CPU through

(a) Bus
(b) Cable
(c) Wire
(d) Line driver

Answer: (b)

30. The number of pixels displayed on the computer screen is called

(a) color depth
(b) resolution
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size

Answer: (b)

31. Which of the following is a combination of input-output devices?

(a) VDT
(b) Keyboard
(c) Printer
(d) Laser

Answer: (a)

32. Which of the following units are used to count the speed of the printer?

(a) CPM
(b) PPM
(c) LPM
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

33. The output quality of a printer is measured in

(a) dots per sq
(b) dots per inch
(c) dots printer per inch
(d) All of these

Answer: (a)

34. Which of the following is a kind of port?

(a) Serial
(b) Parallel
(c) AGP
(d) All of these

Answer: (d)

35. How many bits of data can be transferred by parallel port?

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16

Answer: (c)

36. The full form of USB port is

(a) United Serial Bus
(b) Universal Serial By-pass
(c) Universal System Bus
(d) Universal Serial Bus

Answer: (d)

37. Which of the following is the fastest port data transfer?

(a) USB
(b) Serial
(c) Parallel
(d) Firewire

Answer: (d)

38. USB port is a

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (a)

39. Which post is widely used on wireless devices to connect with network devices for easy communication?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (c)

40. Which port can be used for transferring files between two computers?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Firewire port
(d) Infrared port

Answer: (c)

26. Which kind of device is a digital camera?

(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) Input and Output
(d) Software

Answer: (b)

27. Which of the following groups consists of only output devices?

(a) Scanner, monitor, printer
(b) Mouse, monitor, printer
(c) Keyboard, monitor, printer
(d) Monitor, printer, plotter

Answer: (d)

28. Which of the following is not an output device?

(a) LCD
(b) Printer
(c) CRT
(d) Touch screen

Answer: (d)

29. The computer monitor is connected to CPU through

(a) Bus
(b) Cable
(c) Wire
(d) Line driver

Answer: (b)

30. The number of pixels displayed on the computer screen is called

(a) color depth
(b) resolution
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size

Answer: (b)

31. Which of the following is a combination of input-output devices?

(a) VDT
(b) Keyboard
(c) Printer
(d) Laser

Answer: (a)

32. Which of the following units are used to count the speed of the printer?

(a) CPM
(b) PPM
(c) LPM
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

33. The output quality of a printer is measured in

(a) dots per sq
(b) dots per inch
(c) dots printer per inch
(d) All of these

Answer: (a)

34. Which of the following is a kind of port?

(a) Serial
(b) Parallel
(c) AGP
(d) All of these

Answer: (d)

35. How many bits of data can be transferred by parallel port?

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16

Answer: (c)

36. The full form of USB port is

(a) United Serial Bus
(b) Universal Serial By-pass
(c) Universal System Bus
(d) Universal Serial Bus

Answer: (d)

37. Which of the following is the fastest port data transfer?

(a) USB
(b) Serial
(c) Parallel
(d) Firewire

Answer: (d)

38. USB port is a

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (a)

39. Which post is widely used on wireless devices to connect with network devices for easy communication?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (c)

40. Which port can be used for transferring files between two computers?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Firewire port
(d) Infrared port

Answer: (c)

26. Which kind of device is a digital camera?

(a) Output
(b) Input
(c) Input and Output
(d) Software

Answer: (b)

27. Which of the following groups consists of only output devices?

(a) Scanner, monitor, printer
(b) Mouse, monitor, printer
(c) Keyboard, monitor, printer
(d) Monitor, printer, plotter

Answer: (d)

28. Which of the following is not an output device?

(a) LCD
(b) Printer
(c) CRT
(d) Touch screen

Answer: (d)

29. The computer monitor is connected to CPU through

(a) Bus
(b) Cable
(c) Wire
(d) Line driver

Answer: (b)

30. The number of pixels displayed on the computer screen is called

(a) color depth
(b) resolution
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size

Answer: (b)

31. Which of the following is a combination of input-output devices?

(a) VDT
(b) Keyboard
(c) Printer
(d) Laser

Answer: (a)

32. Which of the following units are used to count the speed of the printer?

(a) CPM
(b) PPM
(c) LPM
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d)

33. The output quality of a printer is measured in

(a) dots per sq
(b) dots per inch
(c) dots printer per inch
(d) All of these

Answer: (a)

34. Which of the following is a kind of port?

(a) Serial
(b) Parallel
(c) AGP
(d) All of these

Answer: (d)

35. How many bits of data can be transferred by parallel port?

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 16

Answer: (c)

36. The full form of USB port is

(a) United Serial Bus
(b) Universal Serial By-pass
(c) Universal System Bus
(d) Universal Serial Bus

Answer: (d)

37. Which of the following is the fastest port data transfer?

(a) USB
(b) Serial
(c) Parallel
(d) Firewire

Answer: (d)

38. USB port is a

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (a)

39. Which post is widely used on wireless devices to connect with network devices for easy communication?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Infrared port
(d) AGP port

Answer: (c)

40. Which port can be used for transferring files between two computers?

(a) Serial port
(b) Parallel port
(c) Firewire port
(d) Infrared port

Answer: (c)
1. Which of the following produces high-quality output?
  • A. Impact printer
  • B. Non-impact printercorrect
  • C. Plotter
  • D. Both '1' and '2'wrong
2. The pattern of printed lines on most products are called
  • A. Prices
  • B. OCR
  • C. Scannerwrong
  • D. Bar codescorrect
3. In MICR, C stands for
  • A. Code
  • B. Colour
  • C. Computer
  • D. Charactercorrect
4. The OCR recognises the ...... of the characters with the help of light source
  • A. Size
  • B. Shapecorrect
  • C. Colour
  • D. Used ink
5. Speed of line printer is limited by the speed of
  • A. Paper movements
  • B. Cartridge usedcorrect
  • C. Length of paper
  • D. All of these
6. Which of the following groups consists of only
  • A. Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor
  • B. Mouse, Keyboard, Printer
  • C. Mouse, Keyboard, Plotter
  • D. Mouse, Keyboard, Scannercorrect
7. The the screen o ISSC CGL 2013 may also be called monitor.
  • A. Printer
  • B. Scanner
  • C. Hard disk
  • D. Displaycorrect
8. USB refers to
  • A. a Storage device
  • B. a Processor
  • C. a Port typecorrect
  • D. a Serial bus standardwrong
9. A joystick is primarily used to/for
  • A. Control sound on the screen
  • B. Computer gamingcorrect
  • C. Enter text
  • D. Draw pictures
10. Laser printers belong to
  • A. Line printer
  • B. Page printercorrect
  • C. Band printer
  • D. None of thesewrong
11. What type of devices are computer speakers or headphones?
  • A. Input
  • B. Input/Outputwrong
  • C. Storage
  • D. Outputcorrect
12. The OCR is used for the preparation of
  • A. Electricity bills
  • B. Insurance premium
  • C. Telephone bills
  • D. All of the abovecorrect
13. Dot-matrix is a type of
  • A. Tape
  • B. Printercorrect
  • C. Disk
  • D. Bus
14. What are the units used to count the speed of a printer?
  • A. CPM
  • B. DPIcorrect
  • C. PPM
  • D. BIT
15. Which of these is a pointing and drop device?
  • A. Mousecorrect
  • B. Scanner
  • C. Printer
  • D. CD-Rom
16. A hard copy would prepared on a
  • A. Line printer
  • B. Dot matrix printer
  • C. Plotter
  • D. All of thesecorrect
17. A parallel port is most often used by a
  • A. Printercorrect
  • B. Monitor
  • C. Mouse
  • D. external storage device
18. Which of the following is not an output device?
  • A. Scannercorrect
  • B. Flat screen
  • C. Plotter
  • D. Printer
19. Drum printer is an example of
  • A. Input
  • B. Outputcorrect
  • C. Processing
  • D. Storage
20. External devices such as printers, keyboards and modems are known as
  • A. Add on devices
  • B. Peripheralscorrect
  • C. Special buys
  • D. Extra hardware devices
21. The higher the resolution of a monitor, the
  • A. Larger the pixelswrong
  • B. less clear the screen is
  • C. further apart the pixels
  • D. Closer together the pixelscorrect
22. The CRT is ......... in shape
  • A. Circular
  • B. Rectangularcorrect
  • C. Conicalwrong
  • D. Eclipse
23. Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?
  • A. Function
  • B. Arrow
  • C. Controlcorrect
  • D. Space bar
24. In laser printers, printing is achieved by deflecting laser beam on to...... surface of a drum
  • A. Magnetised
  • B. Photosensitivecorrect
  • C. Magnetic
  • D. None of these
25. The rate at which scanning is repeated in a CRT
  • A. Refresh ratecorrect
  • B. Bandwidthwrong
  • C. Pitch
  • D. Resolution
26. An example of peripheral equipment is
  • A. Printercorrect
  • B. CPU
  • C. Spreadsheet
  • D. Microcomputer
27. Trackball is an example of
  • A. Pointing devicecorrect
  • B. Output device
  • C. Software device
  • D. Printing device
28. First computer mouse was built by
  • A. Douglas Engelbartcorrect
  • B. William English
  • C. Oaniel Coogherwrong
  • D. Robert Zawacki
29. Which of the following is not hardware?
  • A. Processor chip
  • B. Printer
  • C. Javacorrect
  • D. Mouse
30. printer cannot print more than one character at a time.
  • A. Line
  • B. Laser
  • C. Daisy-wheelwrong
  • D. Dot matrixcorrect
31. The _____________ pen is an input device which is used to select and display objects on a computer screen
  • A. Ink
  • B. Lightcorrect
  • C. Magneticwrong
  • D. Magnetic
  • E. None of the above
32. The small element at the base of a mouse is called _________.
  • A. Rollerwrong
  • B. Ball Pin
  • C. TrackBallcorrect
  • D. RollerBall
  • E. None of the above
33. Which of the following is NOT an input device?
  • A. Barcode Reader
  • B. Scanner
  • C. Touchpad
  • D. Microphone
  • E. Speakercorrect
34. Which of the following is an example of a pointing device?
  • A. Mousecorrect
  • B. Scanner
  • C. Printer
  • D. Barcode Reader
  • E. All of the above
35. What all keys can be found on a keyboard?
  • A. Alphabet keys
  • B. Numerical keys
  • C. Command keys
  • D. Start button
  • E. All of the above


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